Hard Style Barber

The Uncharted Haircut Challenge (UCC)

Go Uncharted, get paid, get 100 % hardstyle cut

You are now entering the dark side of hardstyle barbering

The uncharted haircut challenge is a challenge intended for those unfamiliar with hardstyle barbering. 

You as a model will get paid based on the amount of hair / beard you bring. 

Money in your pocket , hair on the floor....

Who is supporting the UCC?

The hardstyle barbering community has a lot of fans & followers. Through donations they pay for the UCC haircut challenge. 

It’s all about the raw masculine energy of men! Feeling confident and strong!

During the cut everything is recorded. Before & After photoshoots are included. 

Some created content is added to a closed member section. Other content might show up on the web, instagram or YouTube for everybody to see.

The UCC supports hardstyle barbering making it more known to the general public. 

We do try to make the pictures more interesting, showing tattoos, cowboy hats, rough rings, piercings, leather and skin can all be part of the experience. Whatever enhances your personal style is good! 

Questions & Anwsers

Anyone with enough hair or enough beard. Both is even preferred! You are not a current client of the hardstyle barbershop and also not a supporter. (because then you would know what is in the pot of gold?)

No! You are volunteering to get a strong haircut! Nothing is done against your will. The haircut service is a normal service with the exception that the barber will decide on the beard and hairstyle you get. This is part of the game. You will not know the haircut and beard style you are getting beforehand. 

Watch and see yourself transform in the mirror!

This is part of the game! The game can happen “blind” as well, meaning you will not see yourself in the mirror until the end. 

The community provides donations. It depends on how much hair you have and also how much money has been donated and not spend yet. The “pot of gold” so to speak. The pot of gold grows every month. 

Before starting the haircut you get 10% of the money. After we are done you get the remaining 90%. 

After registration some pictures of your current hair is requested. Based on that you can get an online invite. During the online session, which is recorded, we play a game. You will hear the price that we are willing to pay for your hair. When you want more money.. you can say that. Maybe the price will be raised. When you accept the price an appointment will be made for the challenge. 

Carefull: When you are too greedy the bidding ends and you will not be invited. 

You can only play once! (There are some rare exceptions but you will hear those) 

Yes, the final pictures you will also receive. We kindly request that the “members pictures” are not posted on public spaces. Although we cannot forbid it. We keep ownership of the pictures and you get usership of your own pictures.  You don’t get any say in what we will do. 

When pictures are shot that you don’t want to be used we simply won’t use. 

Esthetic nude pictures (pictures not actually revealing anything but only suggest) can be part of the photoshoot. Before we even start with the appointment we will talk about this. The haircut and beard style is a surprise, after that you already know what kind of pictures are going to be taken.

All candidates are respected we don’t do anything that would make you uncomfortable. 

We are kinda hoping that you would not. But it is possible. You won’t get the 90% of money after the haircut. 

When you hit the “emergency break” we will finish the haircut making it nice and neat. The photoshoot after it will probably be cancelled as well. 

Of course you can! Even when you are are client of the hardstyle barbershop already. You can invite anyone you want! 

The legal stuff is a bit boring but all final pictures and videos are copyrighted by us. 

The post-editing pictures are shared with you. 

And no, we are not the “picture police”. 

Sadly it can happen that members “steal” pictures and post it elsewhere. Due to the international nature of the web, there is not much we can do. We do try to keep the closed member section closed and request all members to be kind with the content. We can’t make any guarantees. 

We grant you full usage of all final pictures that are shared with you. Because it’s nice to have something to remember this by. 🙂

Theoretically it can happen that you completely loose all beard and head hair. But let’s be honest, is that really an interesting hardstyle haircut? 

Bald heads are often paired with an amazing beard style. A shaved chin generally means a great haircut. The hair and beard might go very short.. BUT…

The haircut might also be very long! Look at the pictures on this page. Some have a lot of hair!  

Same with the beard.. an amazing strong big beard is way more impressive than all the hair on the floor. 

Besides you.. just me as your barber. It might be that later on a photographer appears. But up to now all photography is done by myself as well. 


The entire challenge takes approximately 4 hours. The online session is pretty short. Around 30 minutes at most. 


Generally speaking: No. There are exceptions, we can talk about that when the time comes. 


Pictures can be “esthetic nude” which means that these are not all revealing. And if they are.. that is fixed in post production. 

During the haircut service.. all clothes are on. It’s a normal haircut service. 

It is possible that a turkish inspired barber massage is added. That would mean, no shirt. 

Don’t worry, you will know beforehand and If you don’t want to .. that’s always okay too! 

You can always contact me through what’s app: 

Here is the link: What’s app link

The closed member section is for.. member’s only. Currently, members can only become a member through donations. 

Here is the link to: The Donation Page


See you Soon!

KERST! ..... Extra Open

Jazeker! Ook dit jaar zal ik in december in aanloop naar kerst ook overdag open zijn! 

Vanwege mijn reguliere werk weet ik nog niet precies welke dagen dit gaan zijn. Vandaar dat je nu nu nog waarschijnlijk ziet dat je pas in januari terecht kan. 

Goed nieuws! Dat zal niet kloppen! 

Schrijf je in op de last minute spot email lijst en de nieuwsbrief zodat je meteen op de hoogte bent zodra de extra dagen bekend zijn. 

Dit is niet de last minute vrije plaats email: Deze is hier te vinden.